We have an attractive and practical uniform which is available from the school office or local retailers. We also stock PE kit, tracksuits, fleeces and bookbags. Purchases can be made, or orders placed every school day.
For Winter
Girls - White school shirt with clip on tie, grey skirt or grey school trousers/culottes (no shorts please), royal blue V neck jumper, cardigan or V neck sweatshirt with school logo, plain thick dark grey or black tights (not flesh coloured denier), white or grey plain socks (ankle or knee high - not over the knee).
Boys - White school shirt, clip on tie, royal blue V neck jumper or V neck sweatshirt, grey trousers, grey or black socks.
Please note that trainers, boots and wellington boots are not to be worn around school - should the weather demand that boots are worn then the children should change into shoes or pumps on arrival.
For Summer
Girls - Yellow/white or blue/white checked dresses, white socks (ankle or knee high).
Boys - White short sleeved shirt, clip on tie, royal blue V neck jumper or V neck sweatshirt, grey trousers or shorts, grey or black socks.
All footwear for boys and girls needs to be a polished black school shoe. For health and safety reasons the school does not allow trainers, open toed sandals, gel shoes or similar.
The school also stocks royal blue fleeces embroidered with the school logo.
P.E/Swimming Kit – Girls and Boys
Plain royal blue shorts (royal blue joggers in the winter), Yellow T-shirt with school emblem, Black pumps
indoor (or bare feet), Trainers (outdoor)
Pump bag - all PE kit MUST be named pump bag which will be kept in school.
Full swimming costume for girls (please no bikinis)
Swimming trunks for boys
Please ensure all school uniform, including shoes are clearly named. Please also note winter uniform may also be worn in the summer term.
Our uniform is available to purchase from the front office and from many local retailers.
Please download and fill out the following form to place an order.