Sports Premium
Sport for All
Here at St. Laurence Junior School, we believe there is a sport to suit everybody and we do our best to find it! Sport is enjoyable, motivating and character building and our goal is that our children leave us inspired to continue their chosen sports into their adult lives.
The Impact of PE and School Sport at St. Laurence Church Junior School:
At St. Laurence Church Junior School there is a big emphasis on PE and school sport. We believe that sport has a huge positive impact on young people. It leads to healthier lifestyles and lifelong hobbies and friendships. Sport teaches children how to win respectfully and lose gracefully. Representing the school gives children a sense of pride and belonging. They learn key life skills of communication, teamwork, discipline, perseverance and trust.
We encourage all of our pupils to try different sports and activities and offer a range of clubs and opportunities to represent the school in both competitive and non-competitive fixtures or festivals.
The number of different sports we have competed this year have included; girls and boys football, netball, athletics, basketball and ten pin bowling as well as friendlies including tag-rugby, football and basketball. table tennis, tag-rugby and a KAB fest. We try to enter as many competitions as possible for each sport and rotate selection each time to ensure that all children get given opportunities.
This is what our pupils have to say about Physical Education and Sport at St Laurence:
- Year 4 - Jack: Doing sports at St Laurence is enjoyable. I enjoyed the football fixture because we passed and communicated.
- Year 5 - Deborah: I found rounders club competitive and it was great learning a new sport. I didn't know anything about rounders but now I do. I love rounders now!
- Year 3 - Mya : I took part in dance and gymnastics this year which was enjoyable and fun. The teachers were kind and fun too.
- Year 6 - Florence: I really enjoyed the football fixture as it was great fun to represent St Laurence. I love how many sports clubs have been added and now I feel like there is a club for everyone.
- Year 5 - Sophie: Netball and dodgeball this year were amazing, brilliant, fun, competitive and a good way to improve my sport knowledge.
- Year 6 - Ben: I found football fun and competitive. We got to warm up and train before the match which got us ready for the match. I think the fixtures are brilliant as it brings us together and makes us use teamwork.
What our volunteer coaches have to say:
Mrs Currie - I have been super impressed with the children's development both in skills, competitive discipline and listening skills - we had a match to finish off our sessions and they played brilliantly; great team work, lovely controlled defence and some fab skills being applied in the game. Congratulations to them!
School Games GOLD Mark 2023-24
Sports Premium Report 2023-24
School Sports Premium Funding 2022-23
School Games GOLD Mark 2022-23
School Games Silver Mark awarded 2021-22
Pathway to Podium
Last year at St Laurence we engaged for the first time with 'The Pathway to Podium' initiative which has been designed to recognise and encourage contribution to Physical Education, school sport and physical activity.
The idea of the programme is to celebrate the positive work that schools already do and suggest further improvements to better engage children in physical activities across the whole day. On our initial review in 2021-22 we earnt the 'Certificate of Engagement' and were working towards achieving a Bronze Award.
This year, in 2022-23 we have made great improvements across several areas and are now one of 38 schools across Birmingham who have now earnt the Gold award, something we are extremely proud of. We look forward to continuing to find new ways to improve our PE and sport provision for our pupils so they can continue to be inspired to lead an active and healthy life style.