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St Laurence Church Junior School home page

Vision and Values

 Learning, Loving and Sharing, guided by Jesus


‘Start children off on the way they should go,

and even when they are old they will not turn from it.’

Proverbs 22:6 




Underlying Scripture behind our vision statement: Feeding of the 5000 (John 6:1-14)


St Laurence Church Junior School is at the heart of the Northfield community, offering families a strong Christian ethos and a sense of belonging. Through the provision of a loving environment with a range of educational and extracurricular opportunities, we aim to engage and inspire our children to be responsible and respectful global citizens who care for God’s world and all within it.


Our school values are well represented in the story of The Feeding of the 5,000 (John 6:1-14) where Jesus showed true friendship and gathered together a community to whom he demonstrated kindness and compassion. In this miracle, the young boy showed his generosity in sharing all that he had: 5 loaves and 2 fishes. This provided for all, through the power of God’s love.


In the same way that the people who witnessed Jesus’ miracles went on to spread the Good News, St Laurence pupils are inspired to share God’s love through acts of service and living by Christ’s example. At our school, we passionately believe in supporting those less fortunate than ourselves, just as St Laurence himself did when he helped the ‘treasures of the church’: the poor and sick. Our children show thankfulness for all they have and are supported by parents and carers, staff and governors in the charity work they complete. They are often heard using our fundraising motto, ‘If we all do a little, it adds up to a lot!’


At St Laurence Church Junior School, we learn and play together, with high aspirations that all members of our school community will become confident, life-long learners. We encourage everyone to show curiosity and perseverance as they embrace the many opportunities offered during their time at the school.


Our children and staff enjoy the rights to learn, to teach, to be safe and to be shown respect, yet are also taught forgiveness as we all learn, pray and grow together with a school prayer that reminds us: ‘As many hands build a house, so many hearts make a school.’


Through learning, loving and sharing, guided by Jesus, we aim to develop within our community the values we need as we journey through St Laurence Church Junior School and on into the wider world.




Creating our Vision Statement and Values


A working party of staff, governors, clergy and parents worked across a three month period to establish our vision statement. This was interspersed with groups of children, including the Prayer Council, contributing their ideas about our community and what it meant to be a pupil at St Laurence Church Junior School.


Our six values are:

Thankfulness, Forgiveness, Perseverance,

Generosity, Curiosity, and Friendship.


These values underpin all that we do in school. We focus on a different value each half term. We discuss our values during collective worship and throughout the whole curriculum, particularly during RE and PHSE lessons. 


Our School Values in action


We aim to provide the whole community of St Laurence Junior School with a clear understanding of our school values. We  demonstrate our school values through our attitudes and behaviours in school and towards our community: locally, nationally and internationally.


Each year, we consider the best ways in which we can follow Jesus’ example and demonstrate our values. Through our harvest collection, we demonstrate our generosity. Through our work for our Lenten Project charities, we show our friendship and perseverance. In recent years, we have raised money for: