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Religious Education


At St Laurence Church Junior School, Christianity is at the forefront of our Religious Education curriculum. The RE curriculum is delivered through the Understanding Christianity scheme of work; a scheme which progresses with key themes throughout the liturgical year. It develops and broadens the children's understanding of Christianity across their four years at St Laurence Church Junior School. 


We embrace God's vision of 'living life in all its fullness' and ensure our curriculum allows children to deepen their own understanding of the world and their place within it, whilst considering religious literacy. For all children, of any faith or no faith, we believe that developing spiritual, moral and cultural awareness is of utmost importance. Children study a range of relevant disciplines including theology, philosophy and the human and social sciences.  


Alongside Christianity, children also explore the beliefs, traditions and festivals of other faiths and worldviews: Buddhism, Judaism, Islam, Sikhism and Hinduism. We use the Birmingham Agreed Syllabus to ask questions about faith and compare how Christianity is similar or different to other worldviews. Visits to important places of worship - Christian and other faiths - are included as part of the entitlement experience for all children.