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St Laurence Church Junior School home page


Inclusion Staff


Mrs Lyn Haden - Assistant Headteacher/SENCO/DSL

Contact via school office: 0121464 6499

Alternatively, email:


Mrs Hamilton - Pastoral lead


Mrs Johnson Y3 Teaching Assistant


Mr Ade- Y4 Teaching Assistant 

Mr Cooke- Y4 Teaching Assistant

Mrs Jones- Y4 Teaching Assistant


Mrs  Earp- Y5 Teaching assistant 

Miss Baxter- Y5 Teaching Assistant


Miss James- Y6 Teaching Assistant

Mrs Dickeson- Y6 Teaching Assistant

Miss Dye- Y6 Teaching Assistant 


Parent/ Carer Wellbeing Group

ADHD Support

Birmingham Local Offer 

Occupational therapy support

Speech and language Support

SEND Information Report


Meeting the Needs of Children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities


Our aim is for all children to be safe and happy at school as well as enabling them to meet their full potential. At St Laurence Church Junior we have an inclusive ethos and work in partnership with children, parents, outside agencies to provide the best possible educational outcomes.


We have high expectations of all our children and put support in place at the earliest possible stage where it is needed. We aim to ensure all pupils achieve their potential personally, socially,
emotionally and academically in all areas of the curriculum. 


Our admissions process is part of the local authority’s co-ordinated scheme. Children with an Educational Health Care Plan or statement that name St Laurence Church Junior School will be offered a place first. This is not an over subscription criterion.


What is SEND?

SEND stands for Special Educational Needs and/or Disability . A child or young person has a Special Educational Needs and/or if he or she has a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special educational provision to be made for them (SEND). That is ‘additional’ or ‘different’ from support usually available to children of the same age. Some of the areas that children may need additional support with are:

· Social, emotional and mental health.

· Communication and interaction.

· Cognition and learning.

· Sensory and/or physical.


Open and Honest Communication

At St Laurence, we believe in open and honest communication to ensure children are safe and happy in school. We want to support all of our parents and families, particularly if they have SEND concerns. We do this in a number of different ways.


What do I do if I think my child may have Special Educational Needs (SEN)?

You should firstly speak to your child’s class teacher, who will listen carefully to your concerns and discuss your child’s needs. Arrangements may then be made for you to meet with the school’s SENCO, Mrs. Haden, to address your concerns and put appropriate actions in place. She can be contacted through the school office; please phone or contact the school to arrange an appointment. (Tel: 0121 464 6499) She can also be contacted via email


How will I know how well my child is doing and how will you help me support my child’s learning?

 Parents will have the opportunity to discuss their child’s progress with class teachers at parents evening consultations. These take place termly. The SENCO is always available on these evenings for further discussion and to support parents/carers with any concerns they may have.


In addition, there are separate termly meetings arranged to meet with the SENCo. Parents can also contact SENCo via the school office or e mail if there are any concerns.


Parents are expected to be involved in supporting their child’s learning; this will often be through supporting with homework tasks or reinforcing class strategies.  




What support will there be for my child’s overall well-being?

The leadership team and the SENCO, along with class teachers and support staff, make sure children have the highest level of pastoral care possible. As part of the team, we have a family support lead who works with specific children and families in order to meet their emotional and social needs as well as providing specific support to children with Autism. We enjoy working
partnerships with many agencies and ensure that support is available through outreach workers and Forward Thinking Birmingham for families who may need additional support.


St Laurence Church Junior is committed to the highest standards in protecting and safeguarding the children entrusted to our care. All our staff are trained in Child Protection procedures; and the Head teacher Mr Andrew Murphy, Deputy Head teacher Mrs Karla Mulrain and the SENCO/ Assistant Head Mrs Lyn Haden are designated to ensure the safeguarding of all children. Our school will support children by promoting a caring and positive environment within the school, encourage self-esteem and self-assertiveness and effectively tackle any bullying.


What specialist services and expertise are available or accessed by the school?

At St Laurence Church Junior we feel that if a pupil needs more specialist help, we are able to seek advice from the following professionals. If we feel that your child needs support from these services, school will always discuss this with you and obtain your permission.


Access to Education- Pupil and School Support (PSS)

Currently Alison Philpott


Referrals made by the SENCo, where there are literacy or numeracy difficulties despite a variety of interventions having been tried within school.

Educational Psychologist

 ( EP)


Simon Bailey



Referrals made by the SENCo if school and parent/carers have significant concerns about academic and/or behavioural or emotional development.

Communication and Autism Team ( CAT)


Jade Hunt




Referrals made by the SENCo if a formal autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) diagnosis has been made.


Occupational Therapists (OT)

development or coordination





Pupils referred by school, GP or paediatrician, when there is a specific concern about aspects of fine or gross motor


NHS Speech and Language Therapists (SALT)


Vicki Carroll




Pupils referred by school or GP, when there is a specific concern about speech and language development. This could include understanding language.





Community Paediatricians







Pupils referred by school or GP when there is a specific concern regarding development (this can be physical, emotional, social or behavioural)

Physical Difficulties School Support (PDSS)






Offers advice and support for pupils with physical and motor difficulties at all stages of their education

Forward thinking Birmingham

(Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service)



Pupil referred by school or GP when there is a concern that a pupil’s emotional state is causing significant concern.



Additional Specialist School Support
Sensory support: (Visual/ Hearing) Support service that supports children with significant hearing and visual impairment.
 PAUSE  This is a drop in service for parents to access support if they are concerned about their child’s emotional wellbeing. 



A Partnership Approach

At St Laurence Church Junior we involve parents and carers in the education of their child every step of the way. However, you are the experts on your own children, and we will always take into account your views. School will involve you in all the decisions about your child.



How are parents involved in the school and how can I be involved?

The school has an open door policy and we welcome parental involvement. Parents are kept informed about teaching and other events through regular year group and school newsletters, the school website, open days, group call text alert, parent consultation evenings and SEN reviews. We hold half termly informal information and chat sessions for parents who have children with special needs. These may involve guest speakers and gives parents an opportunity to learn about strategies and network.

I wish to discuss something about my child?

If you wish to speak to your child’s class teacher you can leave a message with the member of staff on the year group door or Mrs Haden in the front playground at the start of the school day. Alternatively, the class teacher will be in the front playground at the end of the day. Parents can also contact the school office (0121 464 6499) who will arrange for the class teacher to contact/meet with you. Further advice or support is available from the SENCO, Mrs Haden, should you so wish (e mail:

I would like some further information about other support services in
Birmingham particularly the Local Offer?

The Local Offer will help you to find information about what universal, targeted and specialist provision is available for children and young people with SEND in Birmingham and how to access different types of services and support.

Please refer to the Birmingham City Council on the website below:

Appropriate and Effective Teaching and Learning

 Here at St Laurence Junior School we know it is vital that appropriate and effective teaching and learning strategies are in place in order to meet the needs of all of our learners so that they can achieve their full potential.



What training and development is done by staff to support pupils with SEND?

At St Laurence Church Junior we hold a weekly staff meeting and we hold teacher training days
often at the start or the end of terms; these are used to ensure that staff have up to date knowledge of how to teach children of all abilities and children with special educational needs.
Support staff from outside agencies come into school to train teachers and teaching assistants in specific areas such as Autism, Dyslexia, Speech and Language. Staff in school receive appropriate training so they have the knowledge and confidence to support your child’s needs and they are trained and equipped to offer a high level of support. For example the majority of staff have received tier 1 training for Autism. We have a lead ASD and the SENCO has level 3 training. All staff are ‘Team Teach’ trained which enables them to act swiftly and defuse a possible incident /situation should it occur, in a safe way. Collective worship and PSHE lessons include details of the issues around a specific disability; this enables children to be supportive of their peers and help understanding of the difficulties they may face.


How will my child be included in activities outside the classroom?

As an inclusive school, all children have access to the national curriculum .We aim to ensure that all children, including those with SEND, are able to access all activities and school trips. We complete risk assessments for all school visits to ensure the safety of all pupils; we make reasonable adjustments for those pupils with additional medical/physical needs. Children have the opportunity to join any extra-curricular clubs and sporting events.



How accessible is the school?

A safe, appropriate, exciting and accessible learning environment is provided within school.


How will the school help my child on transfer to secondary school?

We have good links with our feeder secondary schools in Birmingham and work alongside key members of secondary school staff to ensure a smooth transition for our Year 6 pupils. Additional visits to schools are arranged for our more vulnerable pupils and those with additional needs. The parent transition booklet gives details about the feeder secondary schools.


How are the schools resources allocated and matched to children’s needs?

All classrooms are equipped with a wide range of resources to help children learn; these may include visual/ picture resources, practical equipment, use of ICT. Teachers may use working walls, talk partners to stimulate the learning environment. We use visual timetables in the classrooms and can provide individual work stations where appropriate. Specific resources for children with additional needs are kept both in classrooms and in the SEN room which all staff have access to.



SEND policy 2023-24