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St Laurence Church Junior School home page

Year 3



A warm welcome to you and your family.


Year 3 marks the start of KS2 for your child and the start of their education at the Junior School. Here we aim to provide a happy and secure learning environment for all who join us. It is an important year as the children learn to become more independent. We encourage them to engage in their learning in order to achieve their full potential.


Our classrooms are based near the back playground and we have an excellent view of the school allotment. We provide a rich, stimulating, creative curriculum which caters for all the needs of our children.


Please visit our school Twitter page to see all of our latest activities and events! St. Laurence Twitter


The teaching staff are:

3H- Mrs Hamilton (Year Leader)

3W - Mrs Webb

3M - Miss Marshall


Ms Johnson (Teaching Assistant) will also be working in Year 3.

Year 3 2024-25

Newsletters 2024-25

Long Term Plan 2024-25

Spellings 2024-25

Rainforest Sue Inspiration day 2024


Year 3 were very lucky to have Rainforest Sue come into school to tell us all about the Rainforest. She brought in creatures from the Rainforest and lots of stories about her adventures into the Rainforest. 





Half Term 4's Inspiration Day

Year 3's trip to the Gurdwara

Half Term 3's Inspiration Day - Food Glorious Food!

Year 3 Trip to the Gurdwara 2024

Half term 2 - The Romans

Year 3's Inspiration day 2023

We really enjoyed our Roman Inspiration day, the children looked amazing in their Roman Costumes. We also had a visit from Professor McGinty- a really fun way to start our new History unit.






Year 3 2022-23

Long Term Plan
