School Council
School Councillors
The School Council is an important part of St Laurence Church Junior School, the representatives attend regular meetings, liaise with their class and the Leadership team to make important decisions within school and even interview prospective staff!
All children are given the opportunity to apply through completing an application form, once completed a member of staff chooses 4 children from each class to be put forward for election. On voting day all children attend the voting booths and vote for who they think would make the best class councillor for their class. The children are given time to speak to candidates before voting so they can make an informed judgement on who may represent their class best.
After a rigorous election process the following school councillors who have been elected by their peers are as follows:
Year Group | School Councillors |
Year 6 | Jake, Anaiyah |
Year 5 | Amelie, Anna, Melania |
Year 4 | Louis, Quinn, Sophia |
Year 3 | Alarna, Amelia, Thea |