Late/Absence Procedures
BCC Attendance Letters
Absence from School
If your child is unable to attend school, please contact the school office from 8.00am each day of
absence. If you forget to call school a text will be sent or we will call you: we just need to ensure that our children are all safe and well. If your child is suffering from diarrhoea and/or sickness they should not return to school for at least 48 hrs. If you wish to take your child out of school for reasons other than illness you should complete an “Exceptional Circumstances Leave in Term Time form” which must be completed and returned to school at least 6 weeks prior to the requested absence. We ask you to consider carefully the detrimental effect that absence could have upon your child. Exceptional circumstances are defined as:
• Death of parent/carer or sibling of the pupil
• Life threatening or critical illness of a parent or sibling of the pupil
• Parent/carer recuperation and convalescence from critical illness or surgery (leave request to be made within 6 months of recovery and medical evidence required)
The Headteacher can authorise other exceptional circumstances. Our full Attendance Policy can be found on our website. If your child’s attendance falls below 98% we begin attendance monitoring. We follow Birmingham City Council Fast Track procedures when necessary.
Children who achieve 100% attendance in a term are awarded a certificate. Children who go on to attain 100% attendance over an academic year are given a certificate and a prize. Each term children with 100% attendance receive a raffle ticket - at the end of the year there is a prize draw. Classes are awarded certificates and prizes throughout the year to celebrate attendance and punctuality.
Late Procedure
School opens from 8:45am - 8:55am where children go into their classrooms to register. From 8:55am-9:00am children must come through the office to register but are not classed as late until after 9:00am. If a child doesn't arrive until after 9:15am this is classed as late after registration is closed. This will affect your child's attendance.