Breakfast and After School Club
After School Club Phone number from 4pm - 0121 4645924
Breakfast Club
Breakfast Club is run by Mrs E Smith and her team:
Mrs S Jones
Mrs R Askari
Mrs M Leith
Mrs C Pakes
Mrs L Lee
The administration is run by Mrs Tapper and Mrs Rose.
It opens at 7.45am and runs until 8.45am when the pupils are taken into school for the start of the school day. Infant children are escorted to their playground and supervised until they enter school with their class.
Breakfast includes a choice of cereals such as cornflakes, shreddies, rice krispies or porridge as well as toast, fruit and yoghurt. Drinks include milk, fruit juices, hot chocolate and milkshakes.
There are games and toys for the children to play with such as table tennis, jigsaws, board games, craft activities, dolls, lego and colouring sheets. Weather permitting children also take advantage of the school field and playground.
The charge is £3.50 per day and places are currently oversubscribed.
The St Laurence Breakfast and After School Clubs are non profit making. Any surplus funds at the end of each year are paid to the Governing Body in respect of heating, lighting and use of the buildings as per the school's lettings arrangements.
Comments by children:
"I really like the breakfast. The toast is never burnt and there is always a range of food. Toast is my favourite."
"Some children might not like colouring but there are always games to play."
Comments by parents:
"I really like coming here because it is like coming home."
"With both my children at Breakfast and After School Clubs, I don't worry any more about my shift patterns because I know they will try to accommodate me."
After School Club
Our After School Club is run by Mrs E Smith and her team:
Mrs Sharon Jones
Mrs Rubina Askari
Mrs Michelle Leith
Mrs Lisa Lee
Mrs Clare Pakes
The administration is run by Mrs Tapper and Mrs Rose.
It runs from 3.20 to 5.45pm. This consists of three sessions and is charged at £3.50 per session:
- Session 1: 3.20 to 4.15pm
- Session 2: 4.15 to 5.15pm
- Session 3: 5.15 to 5.45pm
A varied snack is provided and the menu changes according to the season. Regular favourites include beans/spaghetti on toast, soup, cheese and rolls, pancakes, pitta bread and salads, jellies, fruit and yoghurt. Drinks include fruit juice, milk, hot chocolate, milk shakes, hi juice squash to name a few!
Activities on offer include table tennis, free choice of table top games, art/craft, cookery, sewing, homework corner, and physical activities using our school hall and outdoor facilities.
The St Laurence Breakfast and After School Clubs are non profit making. Any surplus funds at the end of each year are paid to the Governing Body in respect of heating, lighting and use of the buildings as per the school's lettings arrangements.
Comments by children:
"It's good because you get to play table tennis and go outside."
"It's fun playing all the games."
"It's fun. There are lots of things to do."